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Lighting the Path 200 Hr Yoga Teacher Training

The Lighting the Path Teacher Training program is a life-changing course of study for dedicated yoga students and aspiring teachers.

Lighting the Path Teacher Training prepares you to be an authentic and heart-centered yoga teacher, offering compassionate and accessible vinyasa classes for all levels of students.

Vigorous morning yoga intensives guide you deeper into your own practice and life purpose, while afternoon instructional sessions cover an extensive yoga teacher curriculum, including cueing, sequencing, hands-on assists, working with injuries, demonstration techniques, vocal presence, yoga philosophy and history, the business of yoga, ethics, and anatomy.

The LTP program includes a variety of teaching methods so that you can learn, practice and embody the material. This includes demonstration, lecture, talking circles, group processes, and partner practice. You will receive personalized attention, guidance, and feedback directly from Pete Guinosso and his highly qualified assisting staff and senior guest faculty.

Process work helps you to connect to your own heart’s wisdom and find your authentic voice as a teacher. Deep connection with the community of trainees and trainers gives you the support you need during and after the training to be successful in establishing yourself as a teacher and throughout your yoga career.

Over the course of six months, you will learn how to:

  • Inspire students by teaching from your own heart’s wisdom

  • Be emotionally intelligent and present with your students

  • Effectively sequence for, and safely adjust, an all-levels class

  • Incorporate themes and intentions into your teaching and practice

  • Cue and instruct so your students stay present in their practice

  • Feel confident working with common conditions and injuries

  • Create a supportive and caring environment in your classes

NOTE: This training is a registered Yoga Alliance Teacher Training

September 25, 2021– February 27, 2022
Saturdays & Sundays (approx 2X a month)
7:00-9:00 am and 11:00am–5pm

September 25–26, 2021
October 9-10 and 23–24, 2021
November 6-7 and 20-21, 2021
December 4–5 and 11-12, 2021
January 8-9 and 22-23, 2022
February 5–6 and 19–20 and 26-27, 2022

September 10

Breathwork: Breathing to reconnect