Mindbody App & Login Instructions

As of Wednesday, December 18, 2025, we have switched to Mindbody! Download our app today to create your new account and start signing up for classes! Your classes packs and memberships have all been automatically transferred to Mindbody. All you need to do is download the app and setup your account.


  1. Download our app here: mndbdy.ly/e/5740823

  2. Use the “Create Account” option on the Home Screen of the app and choose the “continue with email” option.

  3. Fill out your details, including the name and email on file with Green Yogi.

  • If your email is associated with a Mindbody Account, it will alert you that you already have an account and can log in using your Mindbody Account login credentials.

  • If your email is NOT associated with a Mindbody Account, it will look for a profile on the Green Yogi Mindbody site with the same email and + the first three letters of your first name to sync to. From here you will be prompted to create a login.


The Golden Shadow by Phoenix Song