The sacred masculine energy is like the Sun. Bright, steadfast, assertive. The steadiest thing we can call to mind.
The sacred feminine energy is like the moon. We feel her rhythm deep inside our being. She inspires, she is deep, she is mysterious and in divine flux and change.
These are energetic polarities that live inside of us, no matter how we identify. Getting them to work in harmony is the desire of the creation.
When we activate their power — the creative and life-giving impulse of the universe flows through our life.
The unique purpose (dharma) of our life arises.
We find ease and harmony in our relationships, and greater compassion for those around us.
We activate a deep reservoir of energy inside of us that can carry us through the good times and the challenging.
This is the magic of Tantra. Before it is anything else — it’s an experience of your own energy that is deeply healing.
This is a Kundalini Yoga workshop for all human beings in which we will awaken, balance, and harmonize with this dance of the sacred masculine and feminine. We will move our bodies, dance, sweat, and meditate deeply. We will have an experience of Tantric energy that revitalizes us, renews us, and fills us with the energy and inspiration that the unique calling of our life is asking for.
This is an all levels experience, everyone is welcome.
Sliding Scale $35 -$55
*Folks with more privilege (white, cis, straight) are invited to give more to support scholarships for those impacted by state violence: Immigrants, Queer and Trans folks, and Black, Indigenous and People of color (BIPOC) folks.
**Scholarships available for BIPOC folks, please email for further inquiry